Why Veterans Love Coffee (And Aerial Resupply Coffee)

Why Veterans Love Coffee


When it comes to coffee, many veterans say they can't start the day without a cup. And, with good reason! Veterans love coffee because it's more than just a beverage; it's also an important part of their daily lives. There are several reasons why coffee is so popular among veterans, including its ability to ease fatigue and other symptoms associated with PTSD. Research shows that drinking coffee may also help reduce the risk of suicide among veterans—but please understand that this treatment isn't meant as a replacement for professional care!

When it comes to coffee, many veterans say they can't start the day without a cup.

It's been said that "coffee is the most important meal of the day." For many veterans, it's more than just a meal; it's a ritual. The smell alone can take you back to your days as a soldier, and when you see the steam coming off of your cup in the morning—it's like you're being welcomed back home.

Veterans love coffee because it helps them connect with others who understand what they've been through. It also reminds them of what they fought for and how proud they are to be Americans. When you drink coffee every morning, it gives you something positive to look forward to after going through an entire day at work or school. where nothing exciting happens (or maybe even worse: where everything is terrible).

There are several reasons why coffee is so popular among veterans.

While coffee's popularity among veterans may be a relatively recent trend, there are several reasons why it's so popular. Most importantly, coffee is a social ritual. Veterans know how to connect with other people through shared experiences and common interests—and what better way is there to make friends than by sharing a table of steaming hot cups of joe?* Plus, everyone knows that you don't have to be in the same room as someone else in order to feel like part of their team. The world has changed since World War II ended; now we can work from home or remotely from the comfort of our own bed (or couch). Coffee is an easy way for veterans who live far away from each other but still want to feel connected.

  • We recommend drinking your coffee black because it reduces sugar intake and helps prevent tooth decay! Drinking too much sugar could lead to weight gain later on down the road due to increased blood glucose levels after consuming food containing sugar content such as cookies, cakes etc…

Coffee can create social connections for veterans after deployment.

Coffee is a great way to meet new people, and veterans love it because they have a lot of experience with that. Coffee is also a great way to connect with people who share your interests. Veterans are often very passionate about the things they believe in, so having those conversations can be very satisfying.

Veterans also enjoy meeting veterans from other branches of service, or even different countries! It's nice to talk about what you've been through and understand what it was like for someone else on their journey too. Finally (and most importantly), meeting other veterans at coffee shops provides an opportunity for veterans who want to make connections but don't know how yet—or those looking for career guidance after returning home from deployment—to get started making friends outside of their military circles!

For some veterans, coffee is a small way to feel like part of a team again.

  • Coffee is a social drink.
  • Coffee is a way to feel like part of a team again.
  • Coffee is a way to feel like part of a community again.
  • Coffee is a way to feel like part of a family again.

Coffee can ease fatigue and other effects of PTSD.

If you're a veteran of the armed forces, you've probably experienced PTSD. The condition can cause fatigue and sleep problems in addition to other symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. While there is no cure for PTSD, caffeine may help alleviate these symptoms by increasing alertness while decreasing fatigue and improving cognitive performance.

Coffee also has some therapeutic value for people who suffer from chronic pain—which many veterans do because of injuries suffered during their service—by reducing inflammation in the body and blocking some pain receptors (although it should be noted that this effect is limited). Long-term studies have shown that drinking coffee regularly can even lower your risk of developing cancer or heart disease by about 25%.

Coffee can help with sleep-onset insomnia, especially for people with PTSD.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but caffeine can help you sleep.

This doesn't mean that it's going to cure you of your PTSD and make things suddenly better in your life. But if you're one of the millions of people with sleep-onset insomnia (SORA), coffee could help get you through the night when nothing else will.

Sleep-onset insomnia is basically when someone has trouble falling asleep at bedtime and/or wakes up multiple times during the night. It's common among veterans who have PTSD or depression, as well as many other medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and diabetes. SORA often goes hand-in-hand with nightmares about being back in combat zones or traumatic events from childhood—a subject we'll delve into later on!

Coffee can help manage other symptoms of PTSD, including anxiety, depression and hyperarousal.

One of the most common symptoms of PTSD is anxiety, which can range from a slight sense of unease to full-blown panic attacks. But there are many other symptoms that can make life difficult for those who suffer from it—including depression and hyperarousal, or difficulty sleeping and concentrating.

Coffee's natural caffeine content has been shown to help manage all three of these conditions. Studies have found that coffee drinkers exhibit lower levels of anxiety than non-coffee drinkers, and also report less irritability, depression and anger during the day. Caffeine has also been shown to improve sleep quality among those with insomnia by increasing deep sleep while reducing light sleep—meaning you feel more well-rested when you wake up! In addition, studies show that drinking coffee can be effective at reducing physical symptoms associated with PTSD like muscle tension headaches or stomach aches caused by stress hormones (which may explain why veterans often describe feeling better after a cup).

Coffee may help with suicide risk reduction among veterans.

So, if you are a veteran and you want to reduce your risk of suicide, drink more coffee. And if you're suffering from sleep-onset insomnia, anxiety and depression or PTSD symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares and hypervigilance? The same advice applies.

  • If you have trouble sleeping at night because of bad dreams related to trauma that happened in the past: Drink lots of coffee before bedtime to help with sleep onset insomnia (a common symptom among veterans).
  • If you feel anxious or depressed: Drink some more coffee—it may help mitigate symptoms by increasing dopamine production (which helps regulate mood).
  • If life seems overwhelming and hopeless: Take things one cup at a time by drinking another cup of Joe! Coffee can be used as a coping mechanism for many veterans who struggle with these issues because it gives them something positive in their day—and hey–it tastes good too!

Nothing replaces professional treatment for mental health conditions like PTSD, but coffee might be able to help with some of the negative symptoms that go along with serious mental health conditions.

While caffeine is a stimulant, it's not going to miraculously cure your mental health problems. But if you're looking for ways to manage some of the symptoms of PTSD or other serious mental illnesses, drinking coffee can be a great option.

Caffeine is known for its ability to reduce fatigue and improve mood—which is why plenty of people rely on coffee when they don't get enough sleep at night or are feeling depressed. It's also known for improving concentration and attention spans—which can help people who are dealing with hyperarousal due to their PTSD symptoms feel more grounded in the present moment than they might otherwise be able to do.


With all the benefits it offers, coffee can be an important tool for many veterans. And while it's not a substitute for professional treatment, it can be a helpful addition to the other tools you use.