Top 10 Brewed Coffee Recipes You Must Try


Hello, coffee lovers! My name is Brian, and I’m a coffee aficionado, blogger, and former Army veteran. I’m here to share with you some of the best brewed coffee recipes that you must try at least once in your life. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in the world of coffee.

Coffee is more than just a drink. It’s a ritual, a passion, a lifestyle. It’s the fuel that keeps us going, the comfort that soothes us, the inspiration that sparks us. It’s the perfect way to start your day, or end it. It’s the ultimate companion for any occasion.

But coffee can also get boring if you stick to the same old routine. That’s why I’m here to show you how to elevate your coffee experience with some creative and delicious brewed coffee recipes. From classic to exotic, from simple to sophisticated, from hot to cold, there’s something for everyone in this list.

So grab your favorite mug, your trusty brewer, and your adventurous spirit, and let’s get started!

Classic Coffee Creations

Let’s begin with some of the most popular and timeless brewed coffee recipes that you can never go wrong with. These are the classics that have stood the test of time and have become staples in any coffee lover’s repertoire.

The Perfect Americano

The Americano is one of the easiest and most versatile brewed coffee recipes. It’s basically a shot of espresso diluted with hot water, creating a smooth and balanced cup of coffee. You can adjust the ratio of water to espresso according to your preference, or add milk, sugar, or flavorings if you like.

Here’s how to make a perfect Americano:

  • Brew a shot of espresso using your preferred method. I recommend using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Black Ops Blend, which is a dark roast with bold and smoky flavors.
  • Pour the espresso into a large mug.
  • Fill the mug with hot water until it reaches your desired strength.
  • Enjoy your Americano as it is, or customize it with your favorite additions.

A Flawless Espresso Shot

Speaking of espresso, let’s talk about how to pull a flawless espresso shot. Espresso is the foundation of many brewed coffee recipes, and it can also be enjoyed on its own as a powerful and concentrated drink. Espresso is made by forcing pressurized hot water through finely ground coffee beans, resulting in a rich and aromatic brew with a layer of crema on top.

Here are some tips for pulling a flawless espresso shot:

  • Use fresh and high-quality coffee beans. I suggest using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Special Forces Blend, which is a medium roast with smooth and nutty flavors.
  • Grind your beans right before brewing, and use a fine grind size. The finer the grind, the more flavor extraction you’ll get.
  • Use an espresso machine or a stovetop moka pot to brew your espresso. Make sure they are clean and preheated before use.
  • Use filtered water and heat it to around 195°F (90°C).
  • Tamp your coffee grounds firmly and evenly in the portafilter or basket. This will ensure a consistent and even extraction.
  • Attach the portafilter or basket to the machine or pot, and start brewing. The ideal brewing time for an espresso shot is around 25 to 30 seconds.
  • Watch for the color and flow of the espresso. It should start as a dark brown stream, then turn into a golden honey color with a thick consistency.
  • Stop brewing when you see blonding or thinning of the stream. This means that the extraction is complete and any more brewing will result in bitterness.
  • Enjoy your flawless espresso shot as it is, or use it as a base for other brewed coffee recipes.

The Essential Drip Brew

The drip brew is one of the most common and convenient ways to make brewed coffee at home or in the office. It involves pouring hot water over ground coffee beans in a filter, allowing the water to drip through the grounds and into a pot or carafe below. The drip brew produces a clean and consistent cup of coffee that can be easily adjusted to your liking.

Here’s how to make an essential drip brew:

  • Use fresh and high-quality coffee beans. I recommend using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Airborne Blend, which is a light roast with fruity and floral notes.
  • Grind your beans right before brewing, and use a medium grind size. The medium grind will allow enough flavor extraction without clogging the filter.
  • Use a drip coffee maker or a pour-over device to brew your drip coffee. Make sure they are clean and preheated before use.
  • Use filtered water and heat it to around 200°F (93°C).
  • Place a paper or reusable filter in the brewer or device, and rinse it with hot water to remove any paper taste or residue.
  • Add your coffee grounds to the filter, and level them with a spoon or your finger. The ideal ratio of coffee to water is around 1:15, or 2 tablespoons of coffee per 6 ounces of water.
  • Start brewing by pouring a small amount of water over the grounds, just enough to wet them. This is called blooming, and it allows the coffee to release carbon dioxide and enhance its flavor.
  • Wait for about 30 seconds, then continue pouring water over the grounds in a circular motion, starting from the center and moving outward. Avoid pouring water directly on the filter edges, as this will result in under-extraction.
  • Keep pouring water until you reach your desired amount of coffee. The ideal brewing time for a drip brew is around 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Enjoy your essential drip brew as it is, or customize it with your favorite additions.

Coffee with a Twist

Now that we’ve covered some of the classic brewed coffee recipes, let’s move on to some more creative and fun ones. These are the recipes that will add some flair and flavor to your coffee routine, and make you look like a pro barista.

Creamy Cappuccino Delight

The cappuccino is one of the most popular and beloved brewed coffee recipes. It’s a combination of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam, creating a creamy and frothy drink that can be enjoyed any time of the day. You can also add some flavorings or toppings to your cappuccino, such as cinnamon, chocolate, caramel, or whipped cream.

Here’s how to make a creamy cappuccino delight:

  • Brew a shot of espresso using your preferred method. I suggest using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Ranger Blend, which is a medium-dark roast with chocolatey and spicy flavors.

  • Pour the espresso into a large mug.

  • Heat some milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally. You can use any type of milk you like, such as whole, skim, almond, soy, or oat. The ideal amount of milk for a cappuccino is around 6 ounces per shot of espresso.

  • Froth the milk using a milk frother, a whisk, or a blender. You want to create a thick and velvety foam that can hold its shape on top of the espresso.

  • Pour the steamed milk over the espresso, holding back the foam with a spoon. Then spoon the foam over the milk, creating a dome shape.

  • Enjoy your creamy cappuccino delight as it is, or add some flavorings or toppings if you like. Here are some ideas:

    • Sprinkle some cinnamon or nutmeg over the foam for some extra spice.
    • Drizzle some chocolate or caramel sauce over the foam for some extra sweetness.
    • Add some whipped cream on top of the foam for some extra indulgence.
    • Mix in some vanilla or hazelnut syrup into the milk for some extra flavor.

Iced Coffee Magic

Iced coffee is the perfect drink for those hot summer days when you need a refreshing and energizing boost. It’s basically brewed coffee that is chilled and served over ice, creating a smooth and crisp drink that can be enjoyed plain or with various additions. You can also make iced coffee with different brewing methods, such as cold brew, flash brew, or Japanese iced coffee.

Here’s how to make iced coffee magic:

  • Brew your coffee using your preferred method. I recommend using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Paratrooper Blend, which is a dark roast with nutty and smoky flavors.

  • Chill your coffee in the refrigerator or freezer until it’s cold enough for your liking. You can also add some ice cubes to speed up the process, but this will dilute your coffee slightly.

  • Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.

  • Pour your chilled coffee over the ice cubes until the glass is almost full.

  • Enjoy your iced coffee magic as it is, or customize it with your favorite additions. Here are some ideas:

    • Add some milk or cream for some extra creaminess.
    • Add some sugar or honey for some extra sweetness.
    • Add some lemon juice or mint leaves for some extra freshness.
    • Add some flavored syrup or liqueur for some extra kick.

Flavor-Infused Coffee

Flavor-infused coffee is another way to spice up your brewed coffee recipes. It involves adding different ingredients to your coffee grounds before brewing them, infusing them 

with them with different flavors and aromas. You can use various ingredients to infuse your coffee, such as spices, herbs, fruits, nuts, or even flowers. The possibilities are endless, and you can experiment with different combinations to suit your mood and taste.

Here’s how to make flavor-infused coffee:

  • Use fresh and high-quality coffee beans. I suggest using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Green Beret Blend, which is a medium roast with balanced and smooth flavors.

  • Grind your beans right before brewing, and use a coarse grind size. The coarse grind will allow enough contact time between the water and the grounds, as well as the infused ingredients.

  • Choose your infusion ingredients and add them to your coffee grounds. You can use whole or chopped ingredients, depending on their size and flavor intensity. The ideal amount of infusion ingredients is around 1 teaspoon per 4 tablespoons of coffee grounds.

  • Brew your coffee using a French press or a cold brew maker. These are the best methods for flavor-infused coffee, as they allow full immersion of the grounds and the ingredients in the water. The ideal brewing time for a French press is around 4 minutes, while the ideal brewing time for a cold brew is around 12 to 24 hours.

  • Enjoy your flavor-infused coffee as it is, or customize it with your favorite additions. Here are some ideas for infusion ingredients:

    • Cinnamon sticks or cloves for some extra warmth and spice.
    • Orange peel or lemon zest for some extra citrus and brightness.
    • Vanilla beans or almond extract for some extra sweetness and nuttiness.
    • Lavender flowers or rose petals for some extra floral and romantic notes.

International Coffee Inspirations

Finally, let’s explore some of the most amazing and unique brewed coffee recipes from around the world. These are the recipes that will transport you to different cultures and regions, and give you a taste of their history and traditions. These are the recipes that will make you appreciate the diversity and beauty of coffee.

The Richness of Turkish Coffee

Turkish coffee is one of the oldest and most distinctive brewed coffee recipes in the world. It’s made by boiling finely ground coffee beans with water and sugar in a small pot called a cezve or ibrik, creating a thick and strong brew that is served in small cups with a layer of foam on top. Turkish coffee is often accompanied by a piece of Turkish delight or baklava, and is enjoyed as a social and ceremonial drink.

Here’s how to make the richness of Turkish coffee:

  • Use fresh and high-quality coffee beans. I recommend using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Delta Force Blend, which is a dark roast with robust and earthy flavors.
  • Grind your beans right before brewing, and use an extra fine grind size. The extra fine grind will create a muddy texture that is characteristic of Turkish coffee.
  • Use a cezve or ibrik to brew your Turkish coffee. Make sure it is clean and dry before use.
  • Use filtered water and heat it to around 160°F (71°C).
  • Add your coffee grounds and sugar to the cezve or ibrik, according to your preference. The ideal ratio of coffee to water is around 1:10, or 1 heaping teaspoon of coffee per 2 ounces of water. The ideal amount of sugar is around 1 teaspoon per cup, but you can adjust it to your liking.
  • Stir the mixture well until it dissolves, then place the cezve or ibrik over low heat.
  • Watch for the formation of foam on the surface of the mixture. As soon as you see bubbles forming, remove the cezve or ibrik from the heat and spoon some of the foam into each cup.
  • Return the cezve or ibrik to the heat and bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, remove it from the heat again and pour some of the mixture into each cup, filling them halfway.
  • Repeat this process one more time, bringing the mixture to a boil again and filling the cups to the top.
  • Enjoy your richness of Turkish coffee as it is, or pair it with some Turkish delight or baklava if you like.

The Magic of Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Vietnamese iced coffee is one of the most refreshing and delicious brewed coffee recipes in the world. It’s made by dripping hot water over coarsely ground coffee beans in a metal filter called a phin, creating a strong and aromatic brew that is poured over ice and sweetened condensed milk, creating a creamy and smooth drink that can be enjoyed any time of the day.

Here’s how to make the magic of Vietnamese iced coffee:

  • Use fresh and high-quality coffee beans. I suggest using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Recon Blend, which is a medium roast with fruity and floral flavors.
  • Grind your beans right before brewing, and use a coarse grind size. The coarse grind will allow enough flavor extraction without clogging the filter.
  • Use a phin to brew your Vietnamese iced coffee. Make sure it is clean and preheated before use.
  • Use filtered water and heat it to around 200°F (93°C).
  • Add some sweetened condensed milk to a tall glass, according to your preference. The ideal amount of condensed milk is around 2 tablespoons per cup, but you can adjust it to your liking.
  • Place the phin over the glass, and add your coffee grounds to the filter chamber. The ideal amount of coffee grounds is around 3 tablespoons per cup.
  • Place the filter press on top of the grounds, and press it down gently to level them.
  • Start brewing by pouring a small amount of water over the grounds, just enough to wet them. This is called blooming, and it allows the coffee to release carbon dioxide and enhance its flavor.
  • Wait for about 30 seconds, then continue pouring water over the grounds until the filter chamber is full. The ideal brewing time for a Vietnamese iced coffee is around 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Remove the phin from the glass, and stir the mixture well to combine the coffee and the condensed milk.
  • Fill the glass with ice cubes, and enjoy your magic of Vietnamese iced coffee as it is, or add some more water if you like.

Italian Delights: Affogato

Affogato is one of the most delightful and indulgent brewed coffee recipes in the world. It’s a combination of espresso and vanilla ice cream, creating a heavenly dessert coffee that can be enjoyed as a treat or a finale to a meal. Affogato is simple and easy to make, but it’s also elegant and sophisticated.

Here’s how to make Italian delights: Affogato:

  • Brew a shot of espresso using your preferred method. I recommend using Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Sniper Blend, which is a dark roast with caramel and nutty flavors.

  • Scoop some vanilla ice cream into a small bowl or glass. You can use any type of vanilla ice cream you like, such as regular, gelato, or frozen yogurt. The ideal amount of ice cream is around 2 scoops per shot of espresso.

  • Pour the hot espresso over the ice cream, creating a contrast of temperatures and textures.

  • Enjoy your Italian delights: Affogato as it is, or add some toppings if you like. Here are some ideas:

    • Sprinkle some chopped nuts or chocolate shavings over the affogato for some extra crunch and flavor.
    • Drizzle some caramel or chocolate sauce over the affogato for some extra sweetness and richness.
    • Add some whipped cream or mascarpone cheese on top of the affogato for some extra creaminess and decadence.


I hope you enjoyed this article on the top 10 brewed coffee recipes that you must try. These are some of the most amazing and diverse ways to enjoy coffee, and I’m sure you’ll find something that suits your taste and mood.

If you want to learn more about coffee, check out The Flightline Cafe, where you’ll find more articles, tips, and recipes from Aerial Resupply Coffee’s website. You’ll also find some of the best coffee beans that you can order online, such as Aerial Resupply Coffee’s Pilot Blend, which is a light roast with citrus and honey flavors.

Thank you for reading, and happy brewing!