Crayons and the Marine Corps: A Colorful Look at Semper Fi Life

We all love a good joke about Marines and their insatiable appetite for crayons. But have you ever stopped to think about what each color in that crayon box truly represents for the Marine Corps? Let’s take a hilarious dive into the colorful world of the few and the proud, where each crayon tells a story of valor, grit, and a bit of good-natured Marine humor.

Red: The Fiery Voice of Motivation

Red isn’t just a color; it’s the embodiment of every Drill Instructor’s “encouraging” voice at 0500. Picture this: you’re barely awake, but the fiery motivation of a DI screaming in your ear is more potent than any cup of coffee. It’s the fuel that gets you through another day of PT, and sometimes, it feels like it could melt steel.


Blue: The Sky and the Sea of Endless PT

Blue is the color of the sky you stare at during endless PT sessions, wishing you were anywhere else. It’s also the deep blue of the ocean when you’re “haze gray and underway,” dreaming of home. This color captures the essence of longing and the never-ending endurance tests that make Marines the toughest out there.

Green: The Camouflage Life

Green is the universal color of Marine Corps life. From uniforms to face paint, if it’s not camo, it’s probably not Marine. It’s the color that makes you one with the bushes, and somehow, even your food starts to resemble it after a week in the field. Who knew kale could be so tactical?

Yellow: The Iconic Footprints

Every Marine’s journey begins with a step onto those iconic yellow footprints. Yellow symbolizes the start of a transformation from civilian to warrior. It’s a color that marks the beginning of countless stories filled with sweat, determination, and a bit of “yes, sir!”


Orange: Sunrise in the Field

Orange represents the glowing color of a field tent at sunrise, where you wake up realizing you’re still in the middle of nowhere. It’s a reminder that while the world is still sleeping, Marines are up and at ‘em, embracing the suck one sunrise at a time.

Purple: The MCMAP Bruises

Purple is the color of the bruises from those intense MCMAP (Marine Corps Martial Arts Program) sessions. It’s the hue of character-building moments that leave you wincing but also make you stand a little taller. Purple hearts might be for heroes, but these purples are for the warriors in training.

Brown: The Field Camo

Brown is the inevitable color of everything after a week in the field – gear, uniforms, and yes, even Marines. It’s the earthy tone that signifies you’ve embraced nature, possibly a little too much. If it’s not brown, it’s probably still in the wash.


Black: The Boot Polish Ritual

Black represents the classic ritual of boot polishing. Every Marine knows the drill – make those boots shine bright enough to see your reflection (or your DI’s scowl). It’s the color of pride and perfection, even if you know those boots will be back in the mud soon enough.

White: The Pristine Dress Uniform

White is the pristine dress uniform that somehow, against all odds, stays clean during ceremonies and parades. It’s the color of immaculate appearance and sharp looks, even if it means avoiding anything that might stain it like the plague.

Pink: Letters from Home

Pink is the color of letters from home that boost morale, even if they embarrassingly smell like perfume. It’s the hue of love and support from family and friends, a reminder that someone’s thinking of you, crayon eater or not.

Gray: The Barracks Cleanliness

Gray is the color of the barracks after a thorough cleaning that somehow still doesn’t meet inspection standards. It’s the shade of endless scrubbing and the relentless pursuit of perfection that never quite seems to get there.


Teal: The Mystery Barracks Brew

Teal is the color of the mystery drink concoction at the barracks party. It tastes terrible, but no Marine backs down from a challenge. It’s the adventurous spirit of trying something new, even if it’s best left unmentioned in the morning.

Gold: The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor

Gold represents the coveted Eagle, Globe, and Anchor emblem that every Marine earns and proudly displays. It’s the color of honor, courage, and commitment – the golden standard that every Marine strives to uphold.

So, next time someone jokes about Marines being crayon eaters, just remember: each color represents a piece of the Marine Corps experience. From the fiery red motivation to the golden emblem of honor, these colors paint the story of the bravest and boldest warriors out there. It’s not just about the jokes; it’s about the shared memories and experiences that each crayon color evokes, creating a tapestry of resilience, camaraderie, and dedication.

At Aerial Resupply Coffee, we understand the importance of these stories and the role they play in keeping the spirit of the Corps alive. Our coffee isn’t just a drink; it’s a tribute to the Marines and their colorful journey. Just like the variety of crayon colors, we offer a range of roasts that cater to every palate, ensuring that each cup you sip is a salute to the service and sacrifice of our brave Marines. Whether it’s the boldness of our FireWatch medium roast or the smooth finish of our Spectre Dark Espresso Roast, each blend is crafted with the same attention to detail and commitment that defines the Marine Corps. So, embrace the colors, savor the coffee, and remember the legacy. Semper Fi, and pass the crayons – and a cup of Aerial Resupply Coffee!