5 Reasons Veterans and Coffee are a match made in heaven.

One of our newest contributors, Ian Roth, wrote a fantastic article about the reasons why coffee and Veterans go together like peanut butter and jelly, or to some of us, CLP and our M-4 service rifle. 


If you're like me, coffee wasn't just a necessity, it was something that simply kept me going through my military career. In my last few years as an operations officer, I would commonly be found pacing around the coffee pot while it brewed. Or I would be yelling at one of my Lieutenants to make some more before everyone felt my wrath (just kidding). 


So, without adieu, here's the first reason why Veterans and coffee go together: 

"Sleep Substitute: Veterans are some of the hardest working people in the work force. They’re often awake before the sun rises and come home after it sets. Many take their jobs so seriously that sleep can easily get put on the back-burner. The requirement to constantly perform at the highest levels with minimal rest is not easy. A super quick and efficient way to combat the sleepies is by throwing back a cup of joe"


Check out the rest of the article over at Ian's website TalkingLlama.com and read more about what Ian has to say. 


Thanks as always. Don't forget to check out our new blends of coffee here or our newest holiday Tshirt here